jueves, 18 de diciembre de 2008
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Los pretensiosos "técnicos pigmeos" -18/12/2008
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Pasteras: estudio cuestiona los informes del Banco Mundial - 27/12/2006
Es un trabajo que Pérez Esquivel encargó a la Universidad La Sapienza, de Roma. Asegura que los informes ambientales que liberaron el financiamiento del Banco Mundial para la pastera que Botnia construye en Fray Bentos, les faltó rigor. “Es un aporte científico, consultivo e imparcial”, dijo el Premio Nóbel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.
“Es un aporte científico, consultivo e imparcial”, dijo el Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, al dar a conocer ayer un estudio que le encargó a la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma, en el que se cuestiona el “rigor científico” de los dos informes ambientales que liberaron el financiamiento del Banco Mundial para la pastera que Botnia construye en Fray Bentos. Las críticas conclusiones de los científicos italianos fueron entregadas hace dos semanas al presidente Néstor Kirchner y a la Cancillería y hoy serán recibidas por los asambleístas de Gualeguaychú, Colón y Concordia, junto a un pedido de Pérez Esquivel: “Una tregua en los cortes de ruta” como una ayuda a la presentación jurídica y ambiental que la Argentina deberá hacer ante la Corte de La Haya el 18 de enero próximo.
“No debemos olvidarnos que quien decidió llevar el conflicto a la Corte Internacional, para que emita un veredicto que es inapelable, ha sido el Estado argentino. Tampoco que todas las resoluciones que el tribunal ha tomado hasta ahora han sido desfavorables para nuestro país”, dijo Pérez Esquivel a Página/12 para explicar que el estudio que personalmente encargó a la universidad romana puede ser un aporte importante a la minuta que –sobre el tema de fondo– la Argentina debe presentar en La Haya a mediados de enero. “La Corte Internacional le cuestionó a nuestro país la falta de elementos probatorios”, también recordó el Premio Nobel.
El estudio que coordinó el científico Marcelo Conti –en el que colaboraron otros tres profesores de la universidad italiana– se realizó sobre las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental de las consultoras internacionales EcoMetrix y Hatfield para Botnia y el BM, que destrabó el crédito de 150 millones de dólares destinados a la planta que la compañía finlandesa construye sobre la costa oriental del río Uruguay.
Allí concluyen que “el informe de EcoMetrix es un conjunto de informaciones interesantes, presentando muchos temas más como una recopilación de datos y elenco de problemas sin resolver”. Además, alega que el estudio carece de un análisis de riesgos y de una evaluación de la biodiversidad actual, al tiempo que no discute el potencial contaminante del dióxido de cloro usado en el proceso de blanqueo, según la calidad del papel. Respecto del trabajo de Hatfield, se cuestiona que no incluya indicadores de impacto ambiental a ser usados en los planes de monitoreo ni cálculos de previsión de impacto para “plantas de celulosa, que son una de las industrias más contaminantes”.
“No es la primera vez que intentamos buscar un acercamiento entre los gobiernos. Lo hicimos con artistas e intelectuales, pero ninguno de los presidentes nos contestó a la propuesta”, insistió Pérez Esquivel ante este diario. Tampoco tuvo respuestas esta vez.
–¿También le presentó el estudio a la secretaria de Ambiente, Romina Picolotti? –le preguntó Página/12.
–Sí, pero la única pregunta fue “cuánto cuesta el estudio”. Si esa es la única duda, estamos mal. El estudio es un aporte del Servicio Paz y Justicia (Serpaj) para tratar de arribar a una solución del conflicto.
Ahora, el Premio Nobel de la Paz espera una respuesta más reconfortante de los asambleístas entrerrianos, a quienes les pidió una tregua en los bloqueos de los pasos internacionales, “para generar espacios de diálogo y encontrar fundamentos adecuados desde el campo científico y político que permitan avanzar en el entendimiento”.
Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti, PhD
University of Rome "La Sapienza", Facoltà di Economia SPES Development Studies Research Centre
and Dipartimento per le Tecnologie, le Risorse e lo Sviluppo
Via Del Castro Laurenziano 9 00161 Rome, Italy tel.: +39.06.49766516 fax: +39.06.4452251 e-mail: marcelo.conti@uniroma1.it
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy.
Lecturer of Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2008),
Lecturer of Chemometrics, Chemical Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2008).
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Urbino, Italy.
Professor in the PhD course of Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino, Italy.
Visiting Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 2007. He has given lectures dealing with the REACH regulation system in the European Union and the Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances.
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Master and PhD courses: ‘Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage’, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Slovenia, 2005-2006.
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Master course: ‘Non Farm Activities and Rural Development in Developing Countries’, SPES Development Studies, Research Centre, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, 2005-2006, 2008-2009.
PhD (Dottore di Ricerca) in Food Control and Technology, University of Rome "La Sapienza”.
Member of the SPES Development Studies, Research Centre at the University of Rome La Sapienza (http://w3.uniroma1.it/spes/facultyconti.htm ).
He is concerned with research in environmental & human biological monitoring fields and the related analytical methods of quality control. He is also interested in managerial problems concerning the environmental heritage.
He has held numerous lectures and didactic seminars on invitation in various Italian universities and foreigners. It coordinates various research projects in the field of the Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Assessment.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Environment and Health and component advisor of the Scientific Committee of various international scientific magazines. Author of more than 120 scientific publications among books, chapters of books and articles on national (Italian) and international magazines in environmental field.
In particular, he is:
-Vicepresident of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venice (president: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Peace Nobel Prize). (www.environmentscienceacademy.com)
-Vicepresident of the Scientific Committee of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venezia.
Editorial Boards
-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO). (www.inderscience.com/ijenvh).
-Section Editor (Environmental Chemistry section) of the Chemistry Central Journal, BioMed Central, Ltd., USA.
-Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO). (http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=9).
-Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Wessex Institute of Technology, WIT press, UK.
-Editorial Board member of the World Journal of Chemistry, IDOSI.
-Editorial Board member of the Open Civil Engineering Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1874-1495.
-Editorial Board member of the Advances in Environmental Biology (The American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information-AENSI) ISSN: 1995-0756.
-Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Scientific Journals International (SJI), (Agriculture, Botany, Zoology, Food, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences Section).
-Editorial Board member of : The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1874-2823.
-Editor (invited) of Northeastern Naturalist, USA.
-Editorial Board member of The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Scientific research groups
-Appointed expert of the Italian government (Ministry of Work, Health and Social Politics) for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the REACH implementation in Italy.
-Chair of the Scientific Work Group of Experts who elaborated a document: ‘SCIENTIFIC REPORT - CONSULTANCY REPORT ON PULP MILLS’ requested by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Peace Nobel Price). The report was presented to the Presidents of Argentina and Uruguay in December 2006 and now is deposited in the International Court of Justice (The Hague) as a part of defensive memorial of Argentina in the juridical controversy between Argentina and Uruguay related to pulp mills.
-Scientific Director of the Scientific Research Operative Unit of the Development Studies Research Centre (SPES) for the approved and financed project 2007-2009, Ministry of Health, Italy: ‘Cobalt chloride effect on erythropoiesis: intake and biological injury’, University of Rome, ‘La Sapienza’.
-Member of the Multidisciplinary research group on environmental exposure and health effects in risk areas of Sicily (Italy) coordinated by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Institute of Clinical Physiology), World Health Organization and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
-Member of the drafting WHO mercury group and invited member to the ‘Workshop on reducing health risks from mercury exposures in the European Region of the WHO’, World Health Organization, 7-8 November 2007, WHO, Bonn, Germany.
-Member of the drafting WHO mercury group in children and invited member of the ‘Meeting of the peer review working group on mercury in children’, World Health Organization, 9 November 2007, WHO, Bonn, Germany.
-Drafting Group member (Lead & Cadmium) of the International Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) VI, since 2007.
- Member of The American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI).
He is currently reviewer of the following scientific journals:
Chemosphere, Environmental Research, Food Technology and Biotechnology, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, BMC Public Health, Int. Journal of Ecodynamics, Int. Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IJEAC), Int. Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Int. Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Int. Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Chemistry and Ecology, Functional Plant Biology, Acta Zoologica Sinica, Northeastern Naturalist, Environmental Chemistry, The Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, World Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry Central Journal, Food Chemistry, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Apicultural Research, Advances in Environmental Biology, Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Court appointed expert of the Venice Court of Appeal and the Venice Tribunal of Justice in some legal controversies related to environmental issues (i.e. in the litigation between the province of Venice vs Syndial (ex Enichem corporation), related to the historical contamination of Venice lagoon).
Chaired, co-chaired and Scientific conference’s Committees (selected)
-Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 20-23, 2008.
-Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 7th International Conference on “Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies”, The New Forest, UK, 19-21 May 2008, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
-Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference: Sustainable Approaches for Mega – Site Management and Remediation: New Perspectives. Agenzia per la protezione dell’ambiente e per i servizi tecnici (APAT) and Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Venice, San Servolo Conference Centre, November 30, 2007.
-Invited speaker to the 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Reducing environmental risks for our children. Vienna, 10-12 of June 2007.
-Invited speaker to the International Conference: PAPER FOR THE WORLD - PROBLEMS FOR THE REGION! Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction?, 16 May 2007, Organised by The Greens-EFA and Heinrich Böll Foundation, European Parliament, Brussels.
-Chairman of a session of the International Conference of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES): CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, FUTURE PROSPECTS OF THE “HEALTH” OF OUR PLANET AND MANKIND, May 19 2007, Venice, Italy.
-Co-Chairman of the International Conference THE RAVAGE OF THE PLANET 2006, First International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, 12-14 December, Bariloche, Argentina (Honorary President: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Peace Nobel Prize) (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2006/planet06/).
-Co-Chairman of the International Conference of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES): HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT AND JUSTICE. An International Environmental Criminal Court to Protect Ecosystems, Human and Environmental Health, 23-24 November, Venice, Italy. (http://www.environmentscienceacademy.com/inglese/start.htm)
-Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 6th International Conference on “Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies 2006”, Rhodes, Greece, 5-7 June 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 2nd International Conference on “Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape Evolution 2006”, Rhodes, Greece, 6-8 June 2006”, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
Selected Publications
Authored & edited books and chapters of books
M.E. Conti (2008) Environmental Biological Monitoring (Chapter 1), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 1-23. WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomarkers for environmental monitoring (Chapter 2), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 25-46, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomonitoring of freshwater environment (Chapter 3), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 47-79, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2008) Marine organisms as biomonitors (Chapter 4), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 81-110, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution (Chapter 5), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 111-162, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Mecozzi (2008) Multivariate approaches to biomonitoring studies (Chapter 7), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 213-226, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Principio di precauzione e analisi del rischio delle sostanze chimiche (Chapter 11.2), in: Valutazione del Rischio Ambientale Applicata ai Prodotti Chimici, C. Zaghi, C. Gaggi, A. Finizio, Eds., Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Collana “Quaderni di tecniche di protezione ambientale” (in italian) (in press).
M.E. Conti (2007) Heavy metals in food packagings (Chapter 9), in: Mineral Components in Food, J. Nriagu and P. Szefer, Eds., CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 0849322340, 339-362.
Co-editor & co-author of the book Conference Proceedings: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards (The
Curriculum (short)
Ravage of the Planet 2006); C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti, E. Tiezzi, (Eds.), WITpress, ISBN 1-84564-048-9.
Co-editor & co-author of the special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO)(2005). The special issue is entitled: “On the relevance of the uncertainty in the management of environment and health problems”.
M.E. Conti (2002) Il monitoraggio biologico della qualità ambientale. Editrice SEAM, Roma, 180 pp. (in italian).
Co-editor & co-author of the special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO) (2000) entitled: "The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends". 69 authors were involved in this project.
Scientific Journals
M.E. Conti (1996) The pollution of the Adriatic Sea: Scientific knowledge and policy actions, Int. J. Environment and Pollution Vol. 6, 2/3, 113-130.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè, F. Mazzei (1996) On the heavy metals content in cosmetic formulations: an atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation, Journal of Applied Cosmetology, 14, 4, 147-154.
M.E. Conti, M. Boccacci Mariani, M.R. Milana, L. Gramiccioni (1996) Heavy metals and optical whitenings as quality parameters of recycled paper for food packaging, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 20, 1, 1-11.
M.E. Conti (1997) The content of heavy metals in food packaging paper boards: An atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation, Food Research International, 30,5, 343-348.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (1997) The content of heavy metals in food packaging paper: An atomic absorption investigation, Food Control, 8, 3, 131-136.
M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, M. Carcea (2000). Trace metals in soft and durum wheat from Italy, Food Additives and Contaminants, 17, 1, 45-53.
L. Volterra, M.E. Conti (2000). Algae as biomarkers, accumulators and producers of toxicity, in: The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends, M.E. Conti and F. Botrè, eds., International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1-6, 92-125.
M.E. Conti (2000) Lazio region (central Italy) honeys: determination of mineral content and typical quality parameters, Food Control, 11, 459-463.
L. Campanella, M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, C. Sucapane (2001) Trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs from an uncontaminated area in the Mediterranean. Environmental Pollution, 111, 117-126.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (2001) Honey bees and their products as potential bioindicators of heavy metals contamination, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 69, 267-282.
Curriculum (short)
M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti (2001) Biological Monitoring: lichens as bioindicators of air pollution assessment - a review. Environmental Pollution, 114, 471-492.
F. Cubadda, M.E. Conti, L. Campanella (2001) Size-dependent concentrations of trace metals in four Mediterranean gastropods. Chemosphere, 45, 4, 561-569.
C. Zaghi, M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti, (2002) White paper on chemicals and Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants: perspectives for environmental risk management. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 3, 2-3-4, 234-245.
M.E. Conti, M.B. Tudino, J.O. Muse, G.F. Cecchetti (2002) Biomonitoring of heavy metals and their species in the marine environment: the contribution of atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Research Trends in Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 4, 295-324.
M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti (2003) A biomonitoring study: trace metals in algae and molluscs from Tyrrhenian coastal areas. Environmental Research, 93, 99-112.
M.E. Conti, M. Tudino, J. Stripeikis, G. Cecchetti (2004) Heavy metal accumulation in the lichen Evernia Prunastri transplanted at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 49, 83-94.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti (2005) A statistical approach applied to trace metal data from biomonitoring studies. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 23, 1, 29-41.
C. Zaghi, G. Cecchetti, J. Fontana, M.E. Conti (2005) Science and precaution in the risk analysis of chemicals. In: M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) ‘On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems’, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 271-285.
M.E. Conti, J.O. Muse, M. Mecozzi (2005) Uncertainty in environmental analysis: theory and laboratory studies. In: M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) ‘On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems’, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 311-335.
G. Cecchetti, A. Fruttero, M.E. Conti (2005) Asbestos reclamation at a disused industrial plant, Bagnoli (Naples, Italy). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 122, 1-2, 63-71.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, M. Mecozzi, G. Cecchetti (2006) Trace metals in soft tissues of two marine gastropod molluscs: Monodonta turbinata B. and Patella caerulea L. collected in a marine reference ecosystem, in: Environmental problems in coastal regions VI, including oil spill studies; C.A. Brebbia, (Ed.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 88, 3-11.
M. E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, M. Iacobucci, D. Cucina, G. Cecchetti, M. B. Tudino (2006) Trace metals in molluscs from the Beagle Channel (Argentina): a preliminary study, in: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards – The Ravage of the Planet Conference, 8
Curriculum (short)
C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti and E. Tiezzi, Eds, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 99, 473-483.
M. Mecozzi, M.E. Conti (2007) A new approach based on polynomial functions for measuring the acute toxicity of environmental samples, International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 1, 87-97.
M.C. Albertini, M. Dachà, L. Teodori, M.E. Conti (2007) Drinking mineral waters: biochemical effects and health implications, The state of-the-art. International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 1, 153-169.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti (2007) A biomonitoring study: trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs in a marine reference ecosystem (southern Tyrrhenian sea), International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1-3, 308-332.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, D. Cucina, M. Mecozzi (2007) Multivariate statistical methods applied to biomonitoring studies, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1-3, 333-343.
A. Pino, A. Alimonti, F. Botrè, C. Minoia, B. Bocca, M.E. Conti (2007) Determination of twenty five elements in lichens by Sector Field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 1900-1906.
M.E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, L. Campanella, D. Cucina, M.B. Tudino (2007) Classification of Italian honeys (Marche Region) on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Chemistry Central Journal 1, 1, 14.
L. Campanella, M. Costanza, M.E. Conti (2007) The influence of copper ions on antioxidant activity: preliminary study. International Journal of Environment and Health 1, 2, 328-340.
B. Bocca, M.E. Conti, A. Pino, D. Mattei, G. Forte, A. Alimonti (2007) Simple, fast, and low-contamination microwave-assisted digestion procedures for the determination of chemical elements in biological and environmental matrices by sector field ICP-MS. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 87, 15, 1111-1123.
M.E. Conti (2007) The Fray Bentos Case, in: Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction? Paper for the World, Problems for the Region. Conference Proceedings. European Parliament, May 16, 2007, 4-6, Heinrich Böll Foundation.
M. Mecozzi, M. Pietroletti, M.E. Conti (2008) The investigation of compositional and structural characteristics of natural marine organic matter: a review. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 32, 4, 527-549.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti, A. Alimonti (2008) Influence of weight on the content of heavy metals in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819): a forecast model. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 141, 27-34.
M.E. Conti (2008). Heavy metals in food packagings - The state of the art. July 2008. (pp. 1-8). Room Document presented at the Intergovernmental VI Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS), Dakar, Senegal, 15-19 September 2008.
Curriculum (short)
M.E. Conti (2008) Environmental Biological Monitoring (Chapter 1), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 1-23. WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomarkers for environmental monitoring (Chapter 2), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 25-46, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomonitoring of freshwater environment (Chapter 3), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 47-79, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2008) Marine organisms as biomonitors (Chapter 4), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 81-110, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution (Chapter 5), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 111-162, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Mecozzi (2008) Multivariate approaches to biomonitoring studies (Chapter 7), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 213-226, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, A. Alimonti, B. Bocca (2008) Environmental exposure to platinum-group elements released by automotive catalytic converters: the risk for children. International Journal of Environment and Health (in press). M.E. Conti, D. Cucina, M. Mecozzi (2008) Regression analysis model applied to biomonitoring studies. Environmental Modeling Assessment (in press).
M. Mecozzi, M. Pietroletti, M.E. Conti (2008) The complex mechanisms of marine mucilage formation by spectroscopic investigation of the structural characteristics of natural and synthetic mucilage samples. Marine Chemistry (in press).
Ahora comparemos con los currículums de estos individuos:
Ing. Quím. Walter Isabella; uruguayo; Profesor de Química en diversas instituciones de Uruguay. 25 años de amplia experiencia en fabricación de papel y conversiones habiendo sido: Gerente de Producción en Ipusa; Gerente de Producción en la Unidad de Negocios de Papeles Tissue (Celulosa Argentina S.A. Maq. Papelera nº 7, Bernal) y Jefe de Manufactura de Kimberly Clark (Argentina). Consultor privado en máquinas tissue. Artículos periodísticos sobre la temática celulósico-papelera.
Dr. Mario R. Féliz; argentino; Doctor en Ciencias Bioquímicas, Profesor Titular de Química Inorgánica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Investigador Principal (CICBA) en el Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (CONICET-UNLP), 55+ publicaciones internacionales en revistas internacionales con referato.
Dr. Oscar N. Ventura; uruguayo; Profesor Titular de Química Teórica y Fisicoquímica Molecular (Fac. Química, Universidad de la República); Investigador Principal G5 PEDECIBA; Investigador Máximo Nivel (III) Fondo Nacional de Investigadores; proyectos de investigación internacionales en el área de la Química (BID; UNESCO; NSF; SAREC; EU); consultor de proyectos para BID y UE 30 años como investigador en química, 95+ publicaciones en revistas internacionales con referato, diversos premios nacionales e internacionales (Caldeiro Barcia; Ministerio de Educación; TWAS; UNESCO; Alexander von Humboldt; UE)
Lic. Luis Anastasía; uruguayo; consultor; 15 años de experiencia en evaluación de impacto ambiental en proyectos industriales, geomineros, urbanísticos y de infraestructura vial y energética; experto para el cono sur en manipulación, gestión y disposición final de residuos tóxicos y peligrosos; revisor del manual de procedimientos de monitoreo y control de calidad de aguas de la DINAMA. Diversos artículos de divulgación y conferencias analizando los efectos ambientales de las plantas de celulosa y la forestación.
Ing. Ind. Agustín Viale; argentino, consultor, 40 años de experiencia en la industria de la celulosa y el papel en proyectos y desarrollo, estudios en la Chalmers Tekniska Institutet de Gotenburgo, Suecia. Participación en el Comité Directivo de CICELPA (INTI) y en la Unión Industrial Argentina (Comité de Tecnología).
Eticamente de debe tener un código, código que no respetan en absoluto y por ende los desacredita.
Es sabido que el premio Nóbel argentino Adolfo Pérez Esquivel encargó un trabajo al Prof. Marcelo Conti de la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma.
Antecedente e info:
Pasteras: estudio cuestiona los informes del Banco Mundial - 27/12/2006
Es un trabajo que Pérez Esquivel encargó a la Universidad La Sapienza, de Roma. Asegura que los informes ambientales que liberaron el financiamiento del Banco Mundial para la pastera que Botnia construye en Fray Bentos, les faltó rigor. “Es un aporte científico, consultivo e imparcial”, dijo el Premio Nóbel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel.
“Es un aporte científico, consultivo e imparcial”, dijo el Premio Nobel de la Paz Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, al dar a conocer ayer un estudio que le encargó a la Universidad La Sapienza de Roma, en el que se cuestiona el “rigor científico” de los dos informes ambientales que liberaron el financiamiento del Banco Mundial para la pastera que Botnia construye en Fray Bentos. Las críticas conclusiones de los científicos italianos fueron entregadas hace dos semanas al presidente Néstor Kirchner y a la Cancillería y hoy serán recibidas por los asambleístas de Gualeguaychú, Colón y Concordia, junto a un pedido de Pérez Esquivel: “Una tregua en los cortes de ruta” como una ayuda a la presentación jurídica y ambiental que la Argentina deberá hacer ante la Corte de La Haya el 18 de enero próximo.
“No debemos olvidarnos que quien decidió llevar el conflicto a la Corte Internacional, para que emita un veredicto que es inapelable, ha sido el Estado argentino. Tampoco que todas las resoluciones que el tribunal ha tomado hasta ahora han sido desfavorables para nuestro país”, dijo Pérez Esquivel a Página/12 para explicar que el estudio que personalmente encargó a la universidad romana puede ser un aporte importante a la minuta que –sobre el tema de fondo– la Argentina debe presentar en La Haya a mediados de enero. “La Corte Internacional le cuestionó a nuestro país la falta de elementos probatorios”, también recordó el Premio Nobel.
El estudio que coordinó el científico Marcelo Conti –en el que colaboraron otros tres profesores de la universidad italiana– se realizó sobre las Evaluaciones de Impacto Ambiental de las consultoras internacionales EcoMetrix y Hatfield para Botnia y el BM, que destrabó el crédito de 150 millones de dólares destinados a la planta que la compañía finlandesa construye sobre la costa oriental del río Uruguay.
Allí concluyen que “el informe de EcoMetrix es un conjunto de informaciones interesantes, presentando muchos temas más como una recopilación de datos y elenco de problemas sin resolver”. Además, alega que el estudio carece de un análisis de riesgos y de una evaluación de la biodiversidad actual, al tiempo que no discute el potencial contaminante del dióxido de cloro usado en el proceso de blanqueo, según la calidad del papel. Respecto del trabajo de Hatfield, se cuestiona que no incluya indicadores de impacto ambiental a ser usados en los planes de monitoreo ni cálculos de previsión de impacto para “plantas de celulosa, que son una de las industrias más contaminantes”.
“No es la primera vez que intentamos buscar un acercamiento entre los gobiernos. Lo hicimos con artistas e intelectuales, pero ninguno de los presidentes nos contestó a la propuesta”, insistió Pérez Esquivel ante este diario. Tampoco tuvo respuestas esta vez.
–¿También le presentó el estudio a la secretaria de Ambiente, Romina Picolotti? –le preguntó Página/12.
–Sí, pero la única pregunta fue “cuánto cuesta el estudio”. Si esa es la única duda, estamos mal. El estudio es un aporte del Servicio Paz y Justicia (Serpaj) para tratar de arribar a una solución del conflicto.
Ahora, el Premio Nobel de la Paz espera una respuesta más reconfortante de los asambleístas entrerrianos, a quienes les pidió una tregua en los bloqueos de los pasos internacionales, “para generar espacios de diálogo y encontrar fundamentos adecuados desde el campo científico y político que permitan avanzar en el entendimiento”.
Sin embargo unos minúsculos curriculares "técnicos" como el Ing. Quím. Walter Isabella, Dr. Mario R. Féliz, Dr. Oscar N. Ventura, Lic. Luis Anastasía y Ing. Ind. Agustín Viale, opinaron alegremente que el informe de Conti y el grupo GTE todo ha ignorado, desdeñado y confundido todo.
Está claro que es más "enanismo profesional" que conocimientos adquiridos.
Comparemos los currículum de "estos profesionales" con los del Profesor Marcelo Enrique Conti.
Prof. Marcelo Enrique Conti, PhD

and Dipartimento per le Tecnologie, le Risorse e lo Sviluppo
Via Del Castro Laurenziano 9 00161 Rome, Italy tel.: +39.06.49766516 fax: +39.06.4452251 e-mail: marcelo.conti@uniroma1.it
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy.
Lecturer of Environmental Chemistry, Chemical Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2008),
Lecturer of Chemometrics, Chemical Faculty, University of Rome “La Sapienza” (2008).
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment, University of Urbino, Italy.
Professor in the PhD course of Environmental Sciences, University of Urbino, Italy.
Visiting Professor at the School of Public Health, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, October 2007. He has given lectures dealing with the REACH regulation system in the European Union and the Risk Assessment of Chemical Substances.
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Master and PhD courses: ‘Economics and Techniques for the Conservation of the Architectural and Environmental Heritage’, Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Slovenia, 2005-2006.
Professor of Environmental Impact Assessment in the Master course: ‘Non Farm Activities and Rural Development in Developing Countries’, SPES Development Studies, Research Centre, Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’, 2005-2006, 2008-2009.
PhD (Dottore di Ricerca) in Food Control and Technology, University of Rome "La Sapienza”.
Member of the SPES Development Studies, Research Centre at the University of Rome La Sapienza (http://w3.uniroma1.it/spes/facultyconti.htm ).
He is concerned with research in environmental & human biological monitoring fields and the related analytical methods of quality control. He is also interested in managerial problems concerning the environmental heritage.
He has held numerous lectures and didactic seminars on invitation in various Italian universities and foreigners. It coordinates various research projects in the field of the Environmental Management and Environmental Impact Assessment.
He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Environment and Health and component advisor of the Scientific Committee of various international scientific magazines. Author of more than 120 scientific publications among books, chapters of books and articles on national (Italian) and international magazines in environmental field.
In particular, he is:
-Vicepresident of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venice (president: Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Peace Nobel Prize). (www.environmentscienceacademy.com)
-Vicepresident of the Scientific Committee of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES), Venezia.
Editorial Boards
-Editor in Chief of the International Journal of Environment and Health (IJEnvH) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO). (www.inderscience.com/ijenvh).
-Section Editor (Environmental Chemistry section) of the Chemistry Central Journal, BioMed Central, Ltd., USA.
-Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO). (http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=9).
-Editorial Board member of the International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Wessex Institute of Technology, WIT press, UK.
-Editorial Board member of the World Journal of Chemistry, IDOSI.
-Editorial Board member of the Open Civil Engineering Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1874-1495.
-Editorial Board member of the Advances in Environmental Biology (The American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information-AENSI) ISSN: 1995-0756.
-Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Scientific Journals International (SJI), (Agriculture, Botany, Zoology, Food, Ecology, and Environmental Sciences Section).
-Editorial Board member of : The Open Atmospheric Science Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. ISSN: 1874-2823.
-Editor (invited) of Northeastern Naturalist, USA.
-Editorial Board member of The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal (OCIE), Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
Scientific research groups
-Appointed expert of the Italian government (Ministry of Work, Health and Social Politics) for the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) for the REACH implementation in Italy.
-Chair of the Scientific Work Group of Experts who elaborated a document: ‘SCIENTIFIC REPORT - CONSULTANCY REPORT ON PULP MILLS’ requested by Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Peace Nobel Price). The report was presented to the Presidents of Argentina and Uruguay in December 2006 and now is deposited in the International Court of Justice (The Hague) as a part of defensive memorial of Argentina in the juridical controversy between Argentina and Uruguay related to pulp mills.
-Scientific Director of the Scientific Research Operative Unit of the Development Studies Research Centre (SPES) for the approved and financed project 2007-2009, Ministry of Health, Italy: ‘Cobalt chloride effect on erythropoiesis: intake and biological injury’, University of Rome, ‘La Sapienza’.
-Member of the Multidisciplinary research group on environmental exposure and health effects in risk areas of Sicily (Italy) coordinated by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Institute of Clinical Physiology), World Health Organization and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
-Member of the drafting WHO mercury group and invited member to the ‘Workshop on reducing health risks from mercury exposures in the European Region of the WHO’, World Health Organization, 7-8 November 2007, WHO, Bonn, Germany.
-Member of the drafting WHO mercury group in children and invited member of the ‘Meeting of the peer review working group on mercury in children’, World Health Organization, 9 November 2007, WHO, Bonn, Germany.
-Drafting Group member (Lead & Cadmium) of the International Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) VI, since 2007.
- Member of The American-Eurasian Network for Scientific Information (AENSI).
He is currently reviewer of the following scientific journals:
Chemosphere, Environmental Research, Food Technology and Biotechnology, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Environmental Pollution, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, BMC Public Health, Int. Journal of Ecodynamics, Int. Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry (IJEAC), Int. Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP), Int. Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Int. Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, Chemistry and Ecology, Functional Plant Biology, Acta Zoologica Sinica, Northeastern Naturalist, Environmental Chemistry, The Science of the Total Environment, Journal of Hazardous Materials, World Journal of Chemistry, Chemistry Central Journal, Food Chemistry, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Journal of Apicultural Research, Advances in Environmental Biology, Food and Chemical Toxicology.
Court appointed expert of the Venice Court of Appeal and the Venice Tribunal of Justice in some legal controversies related to environmental issues (i.e. in the litigation between the province of Venice vs Syndial (ex Enichem corporation), related to the historical contamination of Venice lagoon).
Chaired, co-chaired and Scientific conference’s Committees (selected)
-Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the International Conference on Soils, Sediments and Water, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA, October 20-23, 2008.
-Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 7th International Conference on “Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies”, The New Forest, UK, 19-21 May 2008, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
-Member of the Scientific Committee of the Conference: Sustainable Approaches for Mega – Site Management and Remediation: New Perspectives. Agenzia per la protezione dell’ambiente e per i servizi tecnici (APAT) and Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO), Venice, San Servolo Conference Centre, November 30, 2007.
-Invited speaker to the 4th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHILDREN'S HEALTH AND THE ENVIRONMENT, Reducing environmental risks for our children. Vienna, 10-12 of June 2007.
-Invited speaker to the International Conference: PAPER FOR THE WORLD - PROBLEMS FOR THE REGION! Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction?, 16 May 2007, Organised by The Greens-EFA and Heinrich Böll Foundation, European Parliament, Brussels.
-Chairman of a session of the International Conference of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES): CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE 21ST CENTURY, FUTURE PROSPECTS OF THE “HEALTH” OF OUR PLANET AND MANKIND, May 19 2007, Venice, Italy.
-Co-Chairman of the International Conference THE RAVAGE OF THE PLANET 2006, First International Conference on Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards, 12-14 December, Bariloche, Argentina (Honorary President: Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Peace Nobel Prize) (http://www.wessex.ac.uk/conferences/2006/planet06/).
-Co-Chairman of the International Conference of the International Academy of Environmental Sciences (IAES): HEALTH, ENVIRONMENT AND JUSTICE. An International Environmental Criminal Court to Protect Ecosystems, Human and Environmental Health, 23-24 November, Venice, Italy. (http://www.environmentscienceacademy.com/inglese/start.htm)
-Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 6th International Conference on “Environmental Problems in Coastal Regions including Oil and Chemical Spill Studies 2006”, Rhodes, Greece, 5-7 June 2006, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
- Member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the 2nd International Conference on “Monitoring, Simulation, Management and Remediation of the Geological Environment and Landscape Evolution 2006”, Rhodes, Greece, 6-8 June 2006”, Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK.
Selected Publications
Authored & edited books and chapters of books
M.E. Conti (2008) Environmental Biological Monitoring (Chapter 1), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 1-23. WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomarkers for environmental monitoring (Chapter 2), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 25-46, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomonitoring of freshwater environment (Chapter 3), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 47-79, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2008) Marine organisms as biomonitors (Chapter 4), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 81-110, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution (Chapter 5), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 111-162, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Mecozzi (2008) Multivariate approaches to biomonitoring studies (Chapter 7), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 213-226, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Principio di precauzione e analisi del rischio delle sostanze chimiche (Chapter 11.2), in: Valutazione del Rischio Ambientale Applicata ai Prodotti Chimici, C. Zaghi, C. Gaggi, A. Finizio, Eds., Pitagora Editrice Bologna, Collana “Quaderni di tecniche di protezione ambientale” (in italian) (in press).
M.E. Conti (2007) Heavy metals in food packagings (Chapter 9), in: Mineral Components in Food, J. Nriagu and P. Szefer, Eds., CRC press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, ISBN: 0849322340, 339-362.
Co-editor & co-author of the book Conference Proceedings: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards (The
Curriculum (short)
Ravage of the Planet 2006); C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti, E. Tiezzi, (Eds.), WITpress, ISBN 1-84564-048-9.
Co-editor & co-author of the special issue of the International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management (IJRAM) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO)(2005). The special issue is entitled: “On the relevance of the uncertainty in the management of environment and health problems”.
M.E. Conti (2002) Il monitoraggio biologico della qualità ambientale. Editrice SEAM, Roma, 180 pp. (in italian).
Co-editor & co-author of the special issue of the International Journal of Environment and Pollution (IJEP) (Inderscience Enterprises Ltd & UNESCO) (2000) entitled: "The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends". 69 authors were involved in this project.
Scientific Journals
M.E. Conti (1996) The pollution of the Adriatic Sea: Scientific knowledge and policy actions, Int. J. Environment and Pollution Vol. 6, 2/3, 113-130.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè, F. Mazzei (1996) On the heavy metals content in cosmetic formulations: an atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation, Journal of Applied Cosmetology, 14, 4, 147-154.
M.E. Conti, M. Boccacci Mariani, M.R. Milana, L. Gramiccioni (1996) Heavy metals and optical whitenings as quality parameters of recycled paper for food packaging, Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 20, 1, 1-11.
M.E. Conti (1997) The content of heavy metals in food packaging paper boards: An atomic absorption spectroscopy investigation, Food Research International, 30,5, 343-348.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (1997) The content of heavy metals in food packaging paper: An atomic absorption investigation, Food Control, 8, 3, 131-136.
M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, M. Carcea (2000). Trace metals in soft and durum wheat from Italy, Food Additives and Contaminants, 17, 1, 45-53.
L. Volterra, M.E. Conti (2000). Algae as biomarkers, accumulators and producers of toxicity, in: The Control of Marine Pollution: Current Status and Future Trends, M.E. Conti and F. Botrè, eds., International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 1-6, 92-125.
M.E. Conti (2000) Lazio region (central Italy) honeys: determination of mineral content and typical quality parameters, Food Control, 11, 459-463.
L. Campanella, M.E. Conti, F. Cubadda, C. Sucapane (2001) Trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs from an uncontaminated area in the Mediterranean. Environmental Pollution, 111, 117-126.
M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (2001) Honey bees and their products as potential bioindicators of heavy metals contamination, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 69, 267-282.
Curriculum (short)
M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti (2001) Biological Monitoring: lichens as bioindicators of air pollution assessment - a review. Environmental Pollution, 114, 471-492.
F. Cubadda, M.E. Conti, L. Campanella (2001) Size-dependent concentrations of trace metals in four Mediterranean gastropods. Chemosphere, 45, 4, 561-569.
C. Zaghi, M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti, (2002) White paper on chemicals and Stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants: perspectives for environmental risk management. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, 3, 2-3-4, 234-245.
M.E. Conti, M.B. Tudino, J.O. Muse, G.F. Cecchetti (2002) Biomonitoring of heavy metals and their species in the marine environment: the contribution of atomic absorption spectroscopy and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy. Research Trends in Applied Spectroscopy, Vol. 4, 295-324.
M.E. Conti, G. Cecchetti (2003) A biomonitoring study: trace metals in algae and molluscs from Tyrrhenian coastal areas. Environmental Research, 93, 99-112.
M.E. Conti, M. Tudino, J. Stripeikis, G. Cecchetti (2004) Heavy metal accumulation in the lichen Evernia Prunastri transplanted at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry, 49, 83-94.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti (2005) A statistical approach applied to trace metal data from biomonitoring studies. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 23, 1, 29-41.
C. Zaghi, G. Cecchetti, J. Fontana, M.E. Conti (2005) Science and precaution in the risk analysis of chemicals. In: M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) ‘On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems’, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 271-285.
M.E. Conti, J.O. Muse, M. Mecozzi (2005) Uncertainty in environmental analysis: theory and laboratory studies. In: M.E. Conti, F. Botrè (eds.) ‘On the relevance of uncertainty in the management of environmental and health problems’, International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management, vol. 5, 2-4, 311-335.
G. Cecchetti, A. Fruttero, M.E. Conti (2005) Asbestos reclamation at a disused industrial plant, Bagnoli (Naples, Italy). Journal of Hazardous Materials, 122, 1-2, 63-71.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, M. Mecozzi, G. Cecchetti (2006) Trace metals in soft tissues of two marine gastropod molluscs: Monodonta turbinata B. and Patella caerulea L. collected in a marine reference ecosystem, in: Environmental problems in coastal regions VI, including oil spill studies; C.A. Brebbia, (Ed.), WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 88, 3-11.
M. E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, M. Iacobucci, D. Cucina, G. Cecchetti, M. B. Tudino (2006) Trace metals in molluscs from the Beagle Channel (Argentina): a preliminary study, in: Management of Natural Resources, Sustainable Development and Ecological Hazards – The Ravage of the Planet Conference, 8
Curriculum (short)
C.A. Brebbia, M.E. Conti and E. Tiezzi, Eds, WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 99, 473-483.
M. Mecozzi, M.E. Conti (2007) A new approach based on polynomial functions for measuring the acute toxicity of environmental samples, International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 1, 87-97.
M.C. Albertini, M. Dachà, L. Teodori, M.E. Conti (2007) Drinking mineral waters: biochemical effects and health implications, The state of-the-art. International Journal of Environment and Health, 1, 1, 153-169.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti (2007) A biomonitoring study: trace metals in seagrass, algae and molluscs in a marine reference ecosystem (southern Tyrrhenian sea), International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1-3, 308-332.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, D. Cucina, M. Mecozzi (2007) Multivariate statistical methods applied to biomonitoring studies, International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 29, 1-3, 333-343.
A. Pino, A. Alimonti, F. Botrè, C. Minoia, B. Bocca, M.E. Conti (2007) Determination of twenty five elements in lichens by Sector Field Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Microwave Assisted Acid Digestion. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 21, 1900-1906.
M.E. Conti, J. Stripeikis, L. Campanella, D. Cucina, M.B. Tudino (2007) Classification of Italian honeys (Marche Region) on the basis of their mineral content and some typical quality parameters. Chemistry Central Journal 1, 1, 14.
L. Campanella, M. Costanza, M.E. Conti (2007) The influence of copper ions on antioxidant activity: preliminary study. International Journal of Environment and Health 1, 2, 328-340.
B. Bocca, M.E. Conti, A. Pino, D. Mattei, G. Forte, A. Alimonti (2007) Simple, fast, and low-contamination microwave-assisted digestion procedures for the determination of chemical elements in biological and environmental matrices by sector field ICP-MS. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry, 87, 15, 1111-1123.
M.E. Conti (2007) The Fray Bentos Case, in: Sustainable pulp production in Latin America or just pulp fiction? Paper for the World, Problems for the Region. Conference Proceedings. European Parliament, May 16, 2007, 4-6, Heinrich Böll Foundation.
M. Mecozzi, M. Pietroletti, M.E. Conti (2008) The investigation of compositional and structural characteristics of natural marine organic matter: a review. International Journal of Environment and Pollution 32, 4, 527-549.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci, G. Cecchetti, A. Alimonti (2008) Influence of weight on the content of heavy metals in tissues of Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck, 1819): a forecast model. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 141, 27-34.
M.E. Conti (2008). Heavy metals in food packagings - The state of the art. July 2008. (pp. 1-8). Room Document presented at the Intergovernmental VI Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS), Dakar, Senegal, 15-19 September 2008.
Curriculum (short)
M.E. Conti (2008) Environmental Biological Monitoring (Chapter 1), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 1-23. WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomarkers for environmental monitoring (Chapter 2), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.), BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 25-46, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Biomonitoring of freshwater environment (Chapter 3), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 47-79, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Iacobucci (2008) Marine organisms as biomonitors (Chapter 4), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 81-110, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti (2008) Lichens as bioindicators of air pollution (Chapter 5), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 111-162, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, M. Mecozzi (2008) Multivariate approaches to biomonitoring studies (Chapter 7), in: M.E. Conti (Ed.) BIOLOGICAL MONITORING: THEORY AND APPLICATIONS. Bioindicators and biomarkers for environmental quality and human exposure assessment. The Sustainable World, 17, 213-226, WIT press, Southampton, ISBN: 978-1-84564-002-6; ISSN: 1746-9581.
M.E. Conti, A. Alimonti, B. Bocca (2008) Environmental exposure to platinum-group elements released by automotive catalytic converters: the risk for children. International Journal of Environment and Health (in press). M.E. Conti, D. Cucina, M. Mecozzi (2008) Regression analysis model applied to biomonitoring studies. Environmental Modeling Assessment (in press).
M. Mecozzi, M. Pietroletti, M.E. Conti (2008) The complex mechanisms of marine mucilage formation by spectroscopic investigation of the structural characteristics of natural and synthetic mucilage samples. Marine Chemistry (in press).
Ahora comparemos con los currículums de estos individuos:
Ing. Quím. Walter Isabella; uruguayo; Profesor de Química en diversas instituciones de Uruguay. 25 años de amplia experiencia en fabricación de papel y conversiones habiendo sido: Gerente de Producción en Ipusa; Gerente de Producción en la Unidad de Negocios de Papeles Tissue (Celulosa Argentina S.A. Maq. Papelera nº 7, Bernal) y Jefe de Manufactura de Kimberly Clark (Argentina). Consultor privado en máquinas tissue. Artículos periodísticos sobre la temática celulósico-papelera.
Dr. Mario R. Féliz; argentino; Doctor en Ciencias Bioquímicas, Profesor Titular de Química Inorgánica de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Investigador Principal (CICBA) en el Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas (CONICET-UNLP), 55+ publicaciones internacionales en revistas internacionales con referato.
Dr. Oscar N. Ventura; uruguayo; Profesor Titular de Química Teórica y Fisicoquímica Molecular (Fac. Química, Universidad de la República); Investigador Principal G5 PEDECIBA; Investigador Máximo Nivel (III) Fondo Nacional de Investigadores; proyectos de investigación internacionales en el área de la Química (BID; UNESCO; NSF; SAREC; EU); consultor de proyectos para BID y UE 30 años como investigador en química, 95+ publicaciones en revistas internacionales con referato, diversos premios nacionales e internacionales (Caldeiro Barcia; Ministerio de Educación; TWAS; UNESCO; Alexander von Humboldt; UE)
Lic. Luis Anastasía; uruguayo; consultor; 15 años de experiencia en evaluación de impacto ambiental en proyectos industriales, geomineros, urbanísticos y de infraestructura vial y energética; experto para el cono sur en manipulación, gestión y disposición final de residuos tóxicos y peligrosos; revisor del manual de procedimientos de monitoreo y control de calidad de aguas de la DINAMA. Diversos artículos de divulgación y conferencias analizando los efectos ambientales de las plantas de celulosa y la forestación.
Ing. Ind. Agustín Viale; argentino, consultor, 40 años de experiencia en la industria de la celulosa y el papel en proyectos y desarrollo, estudios en la Chalmers Tekniska Institutet de Gotenburgo, Suecia. Participación en el Comité Directivo de CICELPA (INTI) y en la Unión Industrial Argentina (Comité de Tecnología).
Realmente creen que pueden menospreciar a un profesional de envergadura ?
Por otro lado, al utilizar el tipo de términos desdeñar, ignorar y confundir, atribuidos a la figura de Conti, nos dice claramente la catadura ética de ellos.
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